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340B Hospital Recertification Deadline Approaching

The annual recertification process for all 340B participating hospitals begins on August 5, 2015, conducted by HRSA’s Office of Pharmacy Affairs (OPA).

Participating 340B hospitals have until September 9th to complete the recertification. Failure to do so in the given time frame will result in removal from the program.

HRSA will send reminders directly to the Authorizing Official and Primary Contact (as it is listed for the Parent Site). It is imperative that your Authorizing Official’s e-mail address is up to date for all sites (Parent and Child) in the OPA database Recertification is directly contingent upon the Authorizing Official’s receipt of the Username and Password from HRSA on August  6th to begin the process.

Questions regarding recertification should be directed to Apexus Answers: 1-888-340-2787, though we welcome you to contact us if you have questions or concerns. (By email: or phone: 1-855-835-340B)